Friday, November 03, 2006

At 7:45 PST this morning, my father was greeted warmly by Jesus. His last words were spoken a day or two ago, when he simply said, "Precious Jesus," as he lay with his arms outstretched in praise.

After that the pain meds kept him asleep until the end.

It is important the we know this: Just before that he looked me squarely in the eye and said he was ready to go 'home.' He didn't mean come back to the house.

My wife Hope and my niece Stacey and I were there as he took leave of this world with a relaxed, peaceful look on his face.

He was a heart failure patient for the last ten-plus years, so we count those years as a wonderful gift from God as we got to enjoy his warm and loving presence for that 'extra' time.


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